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April 18, 2012

DIY | metallic shopper bag

This bag was a 'accidentally on purpose' sort of DIY.  The original intention for this material was going to be a very structural boxy top but due to the cut and double layering the shape did not flatter me as I envisioned (insert complete lack of knowledge/skills as it relates to fabric construction/tailoring).  I wanted to salvage the material, so as it sat around for several weeks it dawned on me that I could simply sew the bottom and turn it into a tote/ clutch.  What I particularly like about this material is that it sits up freely holding its shape even when nothing is in it.  I tend to fold it over and use it more as a clutch for carrying small items and as a grocery tote.

I am currently working with a new material for the structural top.  DIY to come if it turns out well (fingers crossed).


  1. i love this bag! i'm in silver-love anyway right now! <3

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